Using Padlet

Padlet is an online tool that allows students to share text, images, links, videos, and more. It can be shared with your students or colleagues by embedding the padlet on a VU Collaborate page, scanning a QR code, or providing them with the unique Padlet link. 

Request a Padlet account

Staff Only

Send your request with your eNumber.

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Create a free account (with up to 3 Padlet boards)




Step One: Access Padlet

1. Go to Padlet at Victoria University and log in with your provided login details.

2. When you sign in, the first thing you see is the Dashboard.

If you have an existing Padlet account, you will be given the option to import previously created into your VU Collaborate Padlet account. 
See Import my personal padlets to a Backpack account

New Dashboard

padlet new dashboard

3. Click + Make on the top left    make button

Then click on Blank board tile to create a new Padlet board.
Or select a template from a range of use cases.

make a blank board option

To navigate around the new dashboard, or to switch back to the classic view, refer to the video by the Padlet team: Introducing Padlet Home


4. Enter your board title, ideally can be the unit name or unit code and topic (i.e.: ABC1234 - Introduction to...).

enter title

5. Select a format (1) and turn on/off sections (2).

Padlet offers several kinds of options as shown in the image below which can be used for different learning tasks. 

  • Wall - similar to Pinterest, allows you to post texts, images or videos.
  • Stream - looks like a blog where only one post is seen at a time in order. 
  • Timeline - displays in a horizontal list of items.
  • Grid - displays items in a row and therefore looks better when the items are of similar size. 
  • Canvas - can be used to develop mind maps to show inter-relationships. 
  • Map - allows posts to be added as a point on a map.

select padlet format


Step Two: Customise your Padlet board

Customise the look and feel of your board via Settings.

1. Open Padlet Settings by clicking on the gear icon on the right screen.

padlet access settings

2. Scroll through the list to modify and customise your board:

  • Heading:
    • Title - ideally be the unit name or unit code
    • Description - insert the question or activity prompts.
  • Appearance (background, theme, etc)
  • Layout (group posts and sort posts)
  • Engagement (comments and reactions)
  • Content (moderation)
  • Advanced

padlet setting options 

3. Padlet settings will be saved automatically by the system.
Once done, click on the X (close) icon to exit the settings panel.

vp close settings panel


Step Three: Add Collaborators

Next, to ensure other users (students or colleagues) can access and post on your Padlet, you would need to configure padlet Privacy settings.

1. To access the Privacy setting, click on the Share option on the top right.

vp open share settings

2. Type to search for staff using their names/emails/staff ID in the Add a collaborator field (Staff Only).
Then, adjust any permissions if needed.

add collaborator text field


Step Four: Share your Board

Boards created in Padlet can be exported in several ways, including as a PDF, an image, a spreadsheet, or printed out. Your Padlet can also be shared by its unique URL, or QR code, or embedded into your unit space.

Some commonly used are:

Embed into your unit space

To embed the code into an HTML page in your learning space, first, you will have to copy the embed code from Padlet.

1. In your Padlet, click Share

vp open share settings smaller

2. Before sharing your board, ensure your Padlet is set as writable (Writer (1)) and Secret (2) (only viewable by embed code or link) as below.

If you choose the "Organisation wide" option, it's restricted to users in your organization. Visitors not in your organization will be denied access, in this case, students won't be able to access them as they're not required to have accounts).

padlet privacy settings

3. Select Embed in your blog or your website, then select Copy padlet embed code.

access embed code  copy padlet embed code  

4. Return to your Unit Space, and add a new document or edit an existing document HMTL page.
In the HTML editor, click on the insert stuff icon, then select Enter Embed Code.

insert stuff icon in the HTML editor   select enter embed code

5. Paste your embed code into the text box, then click Next.

paste your embed code into the text box, then click insert

6. Click Insert.
Then click Save and Close, to confirm your changes.

save and close button 

Present your board as a SlideShow

To display your Padlet board as presentation slides, simply click on the Open Slideshow option from the top-right menu.

access slideshow

A new tab will open and show your board in slideshow format. The look and format of the presentation will be the same as the appearance settings in current your board.

For more information, you can also refer to the Padlet Slideshow guide, by Padlet team.


Manage Padlet boards from Block to Block

At the start of each Block, it is the unit convenor's responsibility to make sure that all content and activities in the unit site are up to date, this includes Padlets. 

In general, Padlets should be changed/updated in the delivery space, and there are three options to help you accomplish that. 

Option 1: Make a copy (remake) of the Padlet board and embed it in the HTML page

Option 1: Make a copy (remake) of the Padlet board and embed it in the HTML page 

If you want to have a completely new Padlet with no responses from previous students and you want to maintain the previous responses so that those students can review it, it is best to remake the Padlet and embed it. This takes a bit longer but ensures student privacy and access to learning materials and activities.  

  1. Go to VU Padlet Dashboard and select the Padlet board you need to remake 
  2. Select Remake from the options column
     padlet remake option
    • (2) rename your new padlet with a useful name that helps you to keep track of your board (e.g.: topic, unit code, teaching period & year).
    • Tick on the (3) copy design and/or copy people and privacy. 
    • padlet remade a board option
  3. For multiple location groups within the same unit site, you may wish to create separate Padlets per group.
  4. Add any new unit convenors or key teaching staff as Members of the Padlet with Can administer permissions (see Adding Collaborators).
  5. Navigate to your relevant page in the VU Collaborate site and remove your old Padlet board 
  6. Embed the new Padlet that you have just remade, following Sharing your Wall.

Option 2: Keep the existing Padlet but remove the posts

Option 2: Keep the existing Padlet but remove the posts  

If you want to have a fresh Padlet with no responses from previous students, you can keep the Padlet and delete all posts. If you want to provide a record for students to go back and look at you can make a pdf of the Padlet and upload it in the space.

Note: This option does not protect student privacy unless you also delete the Padlet in the previous space, as previous students could see current student responses. 

  1. Go to VU Padlet Dashboard and select the relevant Padlet.
  2. Create a pdf of the Padlet, by going to Share then Save as PDF, and upload it in the previous delivery space as a record.   
  3. Once the export is completed, select Clear posts from the menu options represented by the (...) three dots.
  4. Add any new unit convenors or key teaching staff as Members of the Padlet with Can administer permissions (see Adding Collaborators)

padlet clear all posts

Option 3: Keep existing Padlet and posts

Option 3: Keep existing Padlet and posts 

Sometimes, padlets can be used as a source or repository of ideas, links, and resources. You may wish to keep all previous responses and build on the padlet from Block to Block. In this case, you do not need to remake the padlet or delete anything, you just need to make sure that new unit convenors or key teaching staff are added as Collaborators.  

  • Add any new unit convenors or key teaching staff as Members of the Padlet with Can administer permissions (see Adding Collaborators).




Answer common Padlet questions

Click on each tile below for more details and instructions.

How can I request for VU Padlet account (Staff Only)?

How can I request for VU Padlet account (Staff Only)?

If you haven't yet done so, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to request a VU Padlet account (for Staff Only). Using the University's licence removes the limit of three Padlet's for teachers when using

Note: If you wish to run an activity where student create their own Padlet, they can create up to three with the free account at

I forgot my Padlet password. How can I reset?

I forgot my Padlet password. How can I reset?

1. You can reset the password by going to:
Then, click on Forgot password? link from the login screen.

ps select forgot password link

2. Enter your VU email OR Username (e-number).
And, select Submit.

ps enter detail and submit

3. You will receive an email from Padlet shortly in your mailbox. Follow the instructions to reset your password.


What to do when there is no plus icon to add posts

What to do when there is no plus icon to add posts

This usually happens when the sharing settings have not been properly set to allow users to add posts to the Padlet. You can update this setting via the Share button on the Padlet.

1. Click the Share button on the right-hand corner of the Padlet

vp open share settings smaller

You might notice that the settings are on Reader which restricts students to read only. This needs to be changed to Writer to allow students to add posts.

2. To do so, select the dropdown next to Visitors (anyone with link).

3. Then. select Writer option.

change visitor permission

Visitors/Students should now be able to post to your Padlet board. 

How can I download and sign in to Padlet Mobile App

How can I download and sign in to Padlet Mobile App

First step is to download the Padlet App to your devices, follow this link: Download Padlet apps

Next, you will be required to log in. The steps below will walk you through how to log in to your VU Padlet account.

1. Open the app and select Log in button.

mobile log in button

2. A pop-up opens, select Continue.

click on continue to proceed

3. On the log-in options page, at the bottom next to the text 'Backpack or Briefcase user?',
click on the Log in here link.

select log in here

4. Enter victoriauniversityau in the domain field.Once done, select Continue and log in using your credentials.

enter vu domain


Further Support

Contact us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., for information and resources on technology-enhanced learning, or visit
Contact ITS Service Desk on (03) 9919 2777 or via self-service for technical support.