Understanding User Progress

The User Progress tool helps you to keep track of student progression in a unit by measuring the completion of indicators like logins, grades and content completed. This is helpful for keeping track of students who may be struggling or getting a quick view of all student grades.


On this page:


Step One: Access User Progress

1. On the navigation bar select Tools, then User Progress.

access user progress from tools on the nav bar

Step Two: View Class Progress Overview

The Class Progress report provides an overview of student progress in the space.
In this view, you can search for a student (1), filter to all users, a section or a group (2), or sort by last or first name (3).

For each student, four key indicators are displayed, hover over each item to gain more information.

  • Content Completed - visited or completed (depending on the item's settings).
  • Objectives 
  • Logins - number of times that a student has logged in to VU Collaborate (not just this unit space).
  • Grades - Bar graph of grades received.
    Colour indicators, On Track 70% and above (Blue), Some Concerns 60% and above (Yellow), At Risk 0% and above (Red)

 view class progress

Logins count the number of times a student has accessed VU Collaborate, not just the unit space.


Step Three: View Individual Student Progress

1. Click on a student's name to view the User Progress Summary.

2. Explore the progress indicators via the side menu (1), or by expanding the indicator panels (2).

3. Select which progress indicators to display via the Setting (3). Progress indicators include:

  • Grades - grades and feedback received.
  • Objectives - number of learning objectives passed.
  • Content - topics visited, the total number of visits and the time spent for each content item.
  • Discussions - posts read, threads created and replies posted.
  • Dropbox - number of assignment submissions, grades and feedback received.
  • Quizzes - number of quizzes completed and grades received.
  • Checklist - number of checklists and items completed.
  • Surveys - number of surveys completed.
  • Space Access - number of days (yes/no) the unit space has been accessed in the last 30 days.
  • Login History - number of logins to VU Collaborate, in the last 30 days.
  • System Access History - number of logins or returns after 30 minutes of inactivity to VU Collaborate, in the last 30 days.

3. Select the navigation arrows (4) to move to the next student, when complete, return by selecting the Class Progress (5).

progress summary


View Individual Topic Completion

Completion mode

Content item tracking is set to automatic completion by default. In this mode when a student accesses a topic, or file the item will be automatically marked as complete. If this completion mode is changed to Manual Completion, students will need to tick to select the item as completed.

 select completion

Content Completion Summary

Completion of individual content items can be viewed by entering the item, scrolling to the bottom of the page and selecting the Completion Summary.

This is a quick way of checking how many students have viewed a topic (automatic completion), or ticket as complete (manual completion), such as the Before Class activity or Assessment information.

topic completion summary


Further Support

Contact us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., for information and resources on technology-enhanced learning, or visit VUCollaborateHelp.vu.edu.au.
Contact ITS Service Desk on (03) 9919 2777 or via self-service servicedesk.vu.edu.au for technical support.