Enabling the Turnitin Similarity Report

Turnitin Feedback Studio is a tool that can be used to improve writing skills, by identifying instances of unintentional plagiarism. Feedback Studio compares submitted work to an extensive database including web pages, journals, articles, and other student submissions. Access the Similarity Report within VU Collaborate to view highlighted matched text, identified sources, and an overall similarity percentage score. This report shows how to enable the Turnitin Similarity Report in the Assessment Dropbox.


On this page:


Assessment Dropbox

1. In a space on the navbar, select Assessments (1), then Dropbox (2).

assessment dropbox

2. Either edit an existing Dropbox, by selecting the ropbox menu (3), then Edit Folder (4), or create a new Dropbox, see Creating an Assessment Dropbox.

edit dropbox


Before you begin

1. If you are creating a new Dropbox, select Save or you may receive an error message when you try to enable the similarity check.

save or cancel


Manage Turnitin

1. Expand Evaluation & Feedback.

expand evaulation and feedback

2. Scroll to the bottom of the Evaluation & Feedback panel and select Manage Turnitin (1).

 select manage turnitin

Similarity Report settings

Enable settings to generate similarity checks.

3. Select Enable Similarity Report for this folder (1), to turn on the similarity check.
4. Select Allow learners to see similarity scores in their submission folder (2), to allow students to be able to view the reports.
5. Select Automatic similarity checking on all submissions (3), to generate checks automatically (rather than the teacher manually selecting individual submissions).

select similarity check settings



More Options

1. Select More Options, to open the Optional Settings window.

 more options


Submission settings

  • Submit papers to (1)
    • Standard paper repository, submitted to Turnitin's database, the default setting.
    • Institutional paper repository, sed for documents with sensitive data.
    • do not store the submitted papers.
  • Allow submission of any file type, set by Dropbox settings.
  • Allow late submissions, set by Dropbox settings.
  • Optional settings (2)
    • Enable Translate Matching, optional.
    • Enable grammar checking using ETS e-rater, optional.
  • Attach a rubric, don't select, use Dropbox rubric.

Compare against (3), select all options.

  • Student paper repository
  • Institutional student paper repository
  • Current and archived website content
  • Periodicals, journals, and publications


submission settings and compare against

Similarity Report

Generate similarity Reports for student submissions (4)

  • Generate reports immediately (students can't resubmit)
  • Generate reports immediately (students can resubmit up until the due date), after 3 resubmissions, reports are generated every 24 hours, most frequently used setting
  • Generate report on the due date (students can resubmit up until the due date)

Exclude settings (5), leave unselected, can be toggled on and off in the similarity report

  • Exclude bibliographic materials
  • Excluded quoted materials
  • Exclude small sources

Exclude assignment template (6)

Upload documents i.e. forms, and questions, to be excluded from the matched text in the similarity report. Templates can be modified up until the first assessment submission.


similarity report exclude and additional settings

Additional settings

Tick to save these ettings for future use (7).

Select Submit to save settings.


 additional settings


Save changes

1. Select Save to save settings and return to the Dropbox.

 save or cancel

2. .When complete, select Save and Close, to save changes to the dropbox.

save and close


FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Why can't students see the Turnitin Report?

In the Assessment Dropbox, expand Evaluation & Feedback, then select Manage Turnitin. Under the Similarity Report settings check Allow learners to see similarity scores in their submission folder is selected. 

See Manage Turnitin for more details.




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