Intelligent Agent - No Submission to Dropbox

Intelligent Agents can be used to send automatic emails to students based on criteria met and schedules defined by you. This guide will show you how to create an agent for a scenario in which a student has not submitted an assignment to an assessment Dropbox by the due date.

This help guide explains a specific scenario of an Intelligent Agent - No submission to an assessment dropbox. An other reason for an Intelligent Agent is not logging to VU Collaborate; see Using Intelligent Agents

Below are the steps to create No Submission to Dropbox Intelligent Agent:


Step One: Access the Agent Tool

1. Select Space Admin on the main navigation bar of your unit.


Step 01


2. Under the Communication category, click Intelligent Agents.


Step 02


Step Two: Create New Agent

1. Under the Agent List click New to create a new agent.


Step 03


2. Type in a name for your agent.

3. Provide description. To expand the description section click the arrow.

4. Tick the checkbox to enable the agent.


Step 04


Step Three: Add Agent Criteria

1. Under role in classlist, select the Users with specific roles radio button to expand the roles list.

2. Select Student or any other roles that are applicable.


Step 03 01


3. Click Create and Attach to create a new release condition.


Step 03 02


Step Four: Create New Release Condition

1. Upon clicking Create and Attach, the below pop up screen appears.


Step 06


2. Click the down arrow and select No submission to dropbox condition type.


Step 07


3. Under condition details click the down arrow and select the applicable dropbox folder.

Note: A list of all dropbox folders in your current unit will appear in the dropdown list. Select the one applicable for your Intelligent Agent.

 Step 08


4. Click Create to finish.


Step 09


5. A release condition is created and attached as indicated in screen below.


Step 10


Step Five: Agent Action

1. Select the first option to ensure that the email is sent only once.


Step 11


2. Click the checkbox under send an email to enable email section.

3. Write {InitiatingUser} in the To: to ensure that the email is sent to any user that meets the agent’s criteria.

Tip: Write your own email address in Bcc: to get notified each time the agent sends an email and to whom.

4. Write email subject and compose a message. You can use replace strings to customize your subject and message.


Step 12

Tip: What replace strings can I use in the subject and message?

The following are replace strings you can use in the subject line and the message (email body).

{OrgUnitCode} - The code for the Org Unit.
{OrgUnitName} - The name of the org unit.
{OrgUnitStartDate} - The start date specified for the org unit.
{OrgUnitEndDate} - The end date specified for the org unit.
{InitiatingUserFirstName} - The first name of the initiating user.
{InitiatingUserLastName} - The last name of the initiating user.
{InitiatingUserUserName} - The username of the initiating user.
{LoginPath} - The address of the login path for the site.

5. Select email format as HTML.


Step 12 1


Step Six: Scheduling Agent

1. Tick the checkbox to use schedule and click Update Schedule to schedule your agent.


Step 13


2. In the pop up screen, update the agent schedule. Select Daily and enter 1 for days to repeat. This ensures that the system checks for students who meet the release condition criteria each day during the set schedule.

3. Set the Start Date and End Date for the checks to be made.  In this intelligent agent, you would likely have it set for the assignment due date until 1-2 weeks after the due date.

4. Click Update when completed.


Start and end date 001


4. Click Save and Close button to finish.


Step 15


Note that in an event where you do not want the students to receive a notification email, you can simply conduct a practice run for the intelligent agent. This will allow you to identify the users that have not made a submission to the dropbox. An example is shown in the images below.


Practice Run 


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