Buddycheck - Group Member Evaluation

Buddycheck is simple to set up and uses a peer evaluation tool which allows students to evaluate each team member’s performance in a group activity, as well as perform a self-assessment. The instructor can create any number of performance criteria or select from a number of samples. Students are awarded an average score (excluding or including their self-score), or have a calculated adjustment factor applied to their final group assessment mark. Students will receive feedback on the group dynamic and their own performance against the group average.

Buddycheck utilises the research-based CATME framework for peer evaluation in groups.

On this guide:

Activity Creation

Manage Activity

Buddycheck can only be enabled in a Delivery Space.

Watch the video below to learn how to set up a Buddycheck evaluation in a delivery space.



Before you start - create your groups

Before you create a Buddycheck evaluation in a delivery space, you must first create the group category you will use, as it can't be modified after the evaluation has been created. The associated groups, however, don't have to be populated with the student enrolments at this stage, as you can sync the group with Buddycheck as the students are being allocated.

An assessment group will need to be created before the Buddycheck evaluation. Please look at Creating Groups for more information.


Step One: Add Buddycheck to your Delivery Space

1. Go to Learning Space and click Add Activities.

2. Select External Learning Tools.

from add activities select external learning tools

3. Locate and select Buddycheck – Group Member Evaluation.

 locate and select buddycheck

4. Once added to the page, click the newly added link, to launch Buddycheck.

Buddycheck Group Member Evaluation

5. Make sure you click on Activate Buddycheck for this course before creating an evaluation.

activate buddy check


Step Two: Create an Evaluation

You can now create your first evaluation.

1. Click Create Evaluation.

create evaulation

2. Enter an Evaluation title (1) and click Continue (2).
Optionally select a previous evaluation as a template (a).

enter title or choose template options

Enter details

3. Select the group category(s) (1) you wish to include.

4. Then enter the evaluation Start and end dates (2).
Optionally enter a short introduction to the evaluation (a).

add groups and enter start end dates


Step Three: Add Evaluation Questions

1. You can use the list of default questions (1),

Or, Create question (2) to add a custom one.

use question library or create new question

  • Team question: You answer 5-scale questions about the team as a whole
  • Peer question: This type of question, scores the student and each group member.

All evaluations must include at least ONE (1) Peer question.
Without a Peer question, the BuddyCheck will not allow the students to assess their fellow group members individually, and therefore, an individual/average score cannot be obtained. 

2. Optional - You can turn on the toggle if you would like to add Open questions or Peer messages. 
There is also an option for you to set minimum and maximum adjustment factors under Advanced Options.

3. Once done, select:

  • Open preview (1) to preview the evaluation as a student, or
  • Create evaluation (2).

optional options preview and create evaluation

4. The evaluation will appear as below.

evaluation is created


Important Step - Refresh Group Enrolment Details

Once the group allocations are finalised, or if there are any changes later on, you will need to refresh the activity.

1. Access the evaluation.

2. Click More and then select Sync with course.

more sync with course

3. Select Continue.

continue to sync groups



Monitor and Manage Student Evaluations

1. Once the evaluation starts, you will be able to see the completion progress from the activity page.

activity overview progress

2. For more in-depth progress, go to the activity.

  • monitor which individuals and groups have completed the task,
  • and individual scores have been given and received.

example of student and group reports

These options below are only available on an Open evaluation. If you have released student results or lock evaluations, you won't be able to modify student evaluations.

Send an email reminder

In case some students haven't completed their evaluations, you can also send a reminder to their student mailbox.

3. Within the activity, click on More and then Send a reminder.
Follow the prompt to customise email title and texts.

click on more then send a reminder

Manage student feedback

4. Tick one or more student's names to modify selected students (1).

5. The manage option (2) will appear.

  • Email: email the selected student with the BuddyCheck activity link.
  • Reopen: to allow selected students to complete the evaluation if the activity is currently closed, or resubmit their evaluations.
  • Clear: to delete the student evaluations.
  • Remove: to delete the selected students from the activity. This option can not be undone.

tick on student name to manage student feedback



Send Results to the Gradebook

Before sending results from BuddyCheck, ensure that you have a grade item that is out of 5 points. Since each BuddyCheck activity, by default, is 5 points max, if the grade item is different, it may cause some score confusion.

Watch our quick demonstration, showing how to release results and publish average grades to the grade book.
NOTE: Submit Avg grades in now Publish Avg grades.

buddychange release results

1. Select More and then Publish Avg grades.

more publish avg grades

2. Select the relevant grade item and submit to gradebook.

select grade item

3. If succeed, a confirmation message will appear at the top of the page.
You can always go back and re-publish the average grades if there are any changes.

average grades submitted message

An example of how the Buddycheck score will appear in the gradebook. 

BC5 scores in gradebook


Release Feedback to Students

The steps below are to release all feedback and comments that students received from their peers.
Students can view their feedback within BuddyCheck activity, or via email summary. 

Important note - Once the results are released, the students will NOT be able to submit evaluations anymore.
Make sure everyone has completed the task before releasing the results.

1. Select More and click Release reports. 

select more then release reports

2. Follow the prompt to confirm and release the results.

optional self scores then release reports



Further Support

Contact us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., for information and resources on technology-enhanced learning, or visit VUCollaborateHelp.vu.edu.au.
Contact ITS Service Desk on (03) 9919 2777 or via self-service servicedesk.vu.edu.au for technical support.