Adding staff into spaces

This guide will show how to enrol staff into a VU Collaborate space.

On this page:


Step One: Can I enrol staff?

You can enrol staff into a space, if you are a Block Key Academic, Block Instructor, Block Convenor, Instructor or Convenor. To see what access you can grant, refer to the table below. To learn what each role can do in a space, see User Roles Explained.


Block Roles (4-weeks and 8-week blocks)

(*MS: Master space, *DS: Delivery space)

Roles that can enrol/add staffBlock ConvenorBlock Key AcademicBlock InstructorTutorCourse ChairSpace ReviewerGuest Instructor
Block Convenor (in MS and DS) DS MS MS,DS MS,DS DS DS MS,DS
Block Key Academic (in MS only) MS MS MS MS MS MS
Block Instructor (in DS only) DS DS DS DS DS DS

Block Convenors can also remove/unenroll staff in the Master Space and Delivery Space


Convenor and Instructor Roles (these roles should only be granted for 12-week semester mode)

(*MS: Master space, *DS: Delivery space)

Roles that can enrol/add staff ConvenorInstructorTutorCourse ChairSpace ReviewerGuest Instructor
Convenor DS only DS only
Instructor (in MS and DS)

If you would like to request higher access such as Block Convenor or Convenor, ensure that you're listed as Unit Convenor on CAMS. Once the approval process has been completed, you can send us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Step Two: Access the Classlist

1. In a unit space on the navbar, select Space Admin.

2. Then click Classlist.

space admin classlist


Step Three: Add Participants

1. Select Add Participants.

2. Then select Add existing users, from the dropdown menu.

add participants


Step Four: Search and Select Users

In the Add Exising Users page, you can search, select and add users.

1. Enter a Name or staff 'e' number (1), then select the Search icon (2). Use the staff 'e' number if more than one person has the same name.

2. Users that already have access will have a name tag icon (3) next to their name.

3. Tick to select a user (4), select a role (5) from the dropdown list and then select a section (6). Select the unit code so all students and submission can be viewed.

4. Select Enrol Selected Users (7).

search and select a user

Step Five: Confirm Enrolment

In the Confirmation of Enrolment page, review the added user

1. If finished adding users select Done, or;

2. To continue adding users select Add More Participants.

confirmation of enrolment



Change Staff Role

As a Unit Convenor, you can change the role of staff in the Classlist.

1. Tick the checkbox next to the user's name in to select, then select Enrolment.

select to change enrolment role

3. From Select a New Role dropdown list, select the the new role, then select Save to confirm the changes.

select new role


Further Support

Contact us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., for information and resources on technology-enhanced learning, or visit
Contact ITS Service Desk on (03) 9919 2777 or via self-service for technical support.