Calculating the Average Attendance for a Unit

The Attendance Register lists the average attendance for each student, but not the overall class or unit average. 

This guide shows you how to download and calculate the average attendance for a unit.



Go to the attendance register

1. In a unit space on the navbar, select Tools then Attendance.

from tools select attendance

2. From the Attendance register drop-down menu, select View Attendance Data.

from the attendance menu select view attendance data


Export attendance data

1. Select Export All Data.

export all data

2. From the Export Attendance Data pop-up window, select the title of the file to download the data.

download export data file


Calculate attendance average

1. Open the downloaded file. 

2. Select the cell below the last value in the % Attendance (1) column, then from the Formulas (2), select AutoSum (3), then Average (4).

enter average formula

3. Select Enter (5).

select enter to confirm formular

4. View the unit average attendance (6).

view results



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