Add a Rubric to an Assessment Dropbox

Rubrics are essential tools for evaluating the quality of students' work. They provide clear criteria and performance levels, setting clear expectations for students. Rubrics also ensure consistent and transparent grading, while offering detailed feedback that highlights strengths and areas for improvement. 

This guide shows how to attach a Rubric to an Assessment Dropbox.


Watch How to add a Rubric to an Assessment Dropbox, or view the Full Guide.



Access the Dropbox

1. In your VU Collaborate space from the navbar, select Assessments, then Dropbox.

assessment dropbox


Edit the Dropbox

2. From the Assessment Dropbox menu, select Edit Folder.

edit dropbox folder


Attach a Rubric

3. Expand the Evaluation & Feedback section on the right.

expand evaluation and feedback panel

4. Select Add rubric (1) then select Add Existing (2).

5. Search (3) to locate your rubric. Or chose a rubric from the list. 

6. Tick (4) to select, then click Add Selected (5) to attach the rubric to the Dropbox.

select existing rubric and add

7. If you do not see your rubric listed, your rubric may be listed as Draft or Archived. To set it to Published:

  • go to Assessments, then Rubrics
  • from the Rubric menu, select Set Status, then Published.


Remove a Rubric

Only one rubric can be used for sending grades to the gradebook. If more than one rubric is added, only the result from one rubric will be transferred.

8. To remove a rubric, select the Delete Rubric X icon (1)

remove a rubric

View and Save

Instructor view

9. To view your rubric, as you will when grading, click to Expand.
10. When ready click Save, to save your changes.

expand to view rubric in the dropbox

Student View

11. Once the rubric has been saved, students can click on Show Rubrics to view the rubric from their dropbox.

student view when entering the dropbox


Further Support

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