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Turnitin for TNE

Turnitin for TNE

Turnitin is a text-matching software that compares your submitted work to web pages, journals, articles, documents, and other student submissions. Following this analysis, Turnitin generates a detailed similarity check report which can be reviewed to identify and address potential issues related to plagiarism, paraphrasing or improper citation. Come along to this session to explore how to create similarity checks and understand the report. 

This session will cover:

  • creating a Turnitin similarity check
  • accessing similarity reports
  • reviewing similarity reports and more! 

Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more details.

Event Properties

Event Date 06-14-2024 12:00 pm
Event End Date 06-14-2024 1:00 pm
Registration Start Date 03-08-2023
Capacity Unlimited
Cut off date 05-25-2023
Location Online

Admin Only