
Some examples to assist you in writing a brief for your video.

Three column script template for writing your piece to camera.

Three column script example of a piece to camera with overlay.

Re-enactment script example, as used when working with actors.

Talent release form for obtaining written consent from individuals.

Talent release form for obtaining written consent from groups.

Storyboard template with six boxes (for drawing your ideas)

Guide to working with timecoded interviews (for reviewing all that was captured)


Like many industries, video production has its fair share of jargon. Below are some common terms you may come across:

360: 360-degree video. Video that can be viewed from all angles rather than a fixed frame. Can be viewed with or without a VR headset.

Animation: A video made of designs or drawings rather than real life footage. Could be hand-drawn or computer-generated, 2D, 2.5D or 3D.

Audio mix: Ensuring all the levels are balanced so the music does not compete with voices or sound effects.

Adobe After Effects: Software used for motion graphics, animation or visual effects.

Adobe Premiere: Software used for editing video projects.

Assets: Anything included in a physical video, from raw footage and images to music and audio files.

B-Cam: A second camera, used in addition to the main camera. It gives the editor a different angle to cut to when editing a video.

CU: Short for “Close Up”. A shot that is close to the action showing great detail, such as a butterfly on a flower.

Delivery: When the finished product is sent to the staff member.

Drone: A device used to capture aerial stills and videos.

Gimbal: A gimbal is a device used to mount a camera on. The gimbal will smooth out any bumps normally visible when shooting handheld.

Graphic: Graphics in a video refers to a static graphic element. Moving graphics are referred to as animations or motion graphics.

Lightboard: A large glass panel on which a presenter writes, creating the illusion of writing on an invisible board.

Lower Thirds aka Supers: Lower thirds refers to any graphic or animation in the lower third of the video frame. Usually this would be a person’s name and title

MCU: Short for “Medium Close Up” A standard head and shoulders shot used widely in interviews and pieces to camera.

Motion graphics: Computer generated graphics. Could be moving titles, logos, annotations, characters or an entire film made of computer animated images.

Overlay AKA B Roll: Images or graphics shown over the top while a person is speaking. For example, an interview with a tennis player may show images of her training as she speaks.

Panopto: An all-in-one video capture, hosting and sharing platform used by VU to host and share video content.

Piece to camera: A video in which a presenter looks down the camera lens speaking directly to viewers, rather than looking off camera to an interviewer.

Post-production: Where a video is edited, graded, sound mixed, and finished to become the final film.

Pre-production: Before filming, pre-production is the process of developing the concept, writing a script and generally planning the production of the video.

Production: The process where the actual video is filmed with a camera crew, or the animation is created by the artists, illustrators and motion graphics designers.

Recce: Short for ‘reconnaissance.’ A visit to the location before the shoot to figure out logistics of lighting, power, access, parking etc. This isn’t always needed but it does speed up the shoot.

Re-enactments: Re-enactment videos use actors (often staff and students) to recreate various scenarios eg. consultation with a client.

Rough cut: The first version of the unfinished video. Often includes a sample voiceover and music, placeholder graphics, and indicative of the direction of travel.

Screen Capture: Recording a computer or tablet screen to create a video eg. A software tutorial.

Sequence: eg. A combination of wide and close up shots. Overlay is made up of sequences and a videographer will aim to shoot a variety of sequences at a location to give a good overview. Eg. If you were filming at the beach…one sequence might be shots of swimmers, another sequence may be lifeguards, another of two children building a sandcastle etc.

Shooting schedule aka Call Sheet: A document that provides all of the consolidated shoot information for the cast and crew. It includes locations, times, equipment, contact details, locations of the nearest hospitals, emergency information, risk assessments, and any other information the crew might need.

Storyboard: A series of still images to help you imagine what the film will look like.

Subtitles: On-screen text of what a person in a video is saying, usually for hearing-impaired audiences or translations.

Thumbnail: A preview image used to show what the video is about.

Timecode: A time counter on a video such as a raw interview. Used to assist in indicating which sections are to be omitted.

Timelapse: A sped up sequence to show passing time eg. A plant sprouting from a seed.

Voiceover: A spoken narration and commentary to accompany the video.

VR: Virtual Reality – the use of a headset to immerse students in a digital world.

Wide Shot: A shot that captures a broad area. Anything from an entire classroom of students through to a mountain range.
