Adding Content

Create interactive and interesting content for your VU Collaborate space.

Creating Modules and Sub-modules

A module is a place where you can add content to your space. You can also create sub-modules to add more content that belongs to the same module but a different topic. Think about modules and sub-modules as if they were folders and subfolders that help you maintain your content in a structured and organised way.

A module must be created before you can add content. Create sub-modules (modules within existing modules) to establish a deeper hierarchy.


Access the Learning Space Area

Log in to VU Collaborate, and navigate to your space.

On the navbar menu, select Content (or Learning Space).


Add a Module

In the Learning Space screen, you will find the Table of Contents on the left-hand side. Under this section, there is a grey text field labelled Add a module.

1. Click the Add a module... field and enter a name.

on the left hand side find the add a module box

2. Hit the Enter key to create the module. Your new module is now listed under the Table of Contents.

the module is created after clicking outside of the box it can be found on the left of the page
Tip: To create more modules and structure your course content, repeat these steps until you have completed your course structure.


Add a Sub-module

1. Select the Module you want to create a sub-module in.

2. Select the Add a sub-module field, and enter a Name.

under the module page press the adda a sub module box to create a sub module

3. The new sub-module will appear indented under its module in the Table of Contents.

the sub module will appear nested under the main module on the left side of thepage


Reorder Modules

1. Hover your mouse over the dots before the module name, then click and drag the module up or down the list.

2. A bold line will indicate the new location, when ready, release the mouse to complete the move.

reorder modules


Remove a Module

1. To remove a module, click on the module name you want to remove in the table of contents list

2. Click on the drop-down "▼" arrow to the right of the main module title.

3. Verify that you are in the correct module and click Delete Module. When deleting a module, you will also remove all associates such as sub-modules and contents within that module.

delete module


Further Support

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Contact ITS Service Desk on (03) 9919 2777 or via self-service for technical support.

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