Adding Library Content

Add VU library material to unit spaces and use Readings to create a unit reading list.

LinkedIn Learning: Adding Resources in VU Collaborate

This guide concerns integrating LinkedIn Learning videos or courses directly into a VU Collaborate unit space using a direct integration (LTI 1.3). This allows students to view LinkedIn Learning content within VU Collaborate without needing to transition to the LinkedIn Learning platform itself. The integration also allows for teaching staff to search the LinkedIn Learning database for relevant content before adding it to the VU Collaborate unit space.

For general discovery LinkedIn Learning content can be accessed through the staff:

Navigate through this guide using the links below:


Access the relevant module

 1. In the navbar at the top of the space, click Content (or Learning Space).


2. Navigate to the location where the video or course is to be added. 

 Step 1.1a NavigateSpace


Add the LinkedIn Learning Activity

 1 Select Add Activities. 

Step 1.2 NavigateActivities

2. Scroll down the options and select LinkedIn Learning.

Step 1.3 AddActivity


Search and select content

 1. Search for content by entering keywords or known titles.

Step 1.4 SearchContent

2. Use the scroll bar to access options such as Type, Level, Subjects & Topics.

Note: For further information on filtering refer to this LinkedIn Learning guide

Step 1.5 SearchContent


 3. Scroll down and select videos(s) or course(s) by clicking Add.

Step 1.7 SelectContent


4. Confirm addition of the video or course to the VU Collaborate unit space.

Tip: Use the second scroll bar to move the window down to access the Confirm button.

Step 1.6 ConfirmContent

Note: Multiple videos or courses can be added at the same time.

Student view

1. The video is now in the VU Collaborate space.

Step 1.8 VideoLink 

 Note: If a whole course is added, rather than a single video, the descriptive summary of the course is included as part of the integration.

2. Student view.

Step 1.9 StudentView


Note:  If you would like further assistance or information, contact your College Librarians & Discipline contacts.


Further Support

Contact us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., for information and resources on technology-enhanced learning, or visit
Contact ITS Service Desk on (03) 9919 2777 or via self-service for technical support.


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