FeedbackFruits FAQ
How does Feedbackfruits work with VU Collaborate?
Students access FeedbackFruits through VU Collaborate and therefore their Single Sign-On.
This means no admin or time wasted with different logins or heading to external websites
Classlists and Groups
Classlists are synced with FeedbackFruits
FeedbackFruits links with the VU Collaborate Groups manager to sync group allocations with the FeedbackFruits tool.
Deadlines and Due Dates
When you set a deadline in a FeedbackFruits activity, it syncs with the VU Collaborate Unit Site calendar
Can you use audio and video?
Yes. All major video and audio file types are supported (like .mp4 and .mp3), as well as all major document types (like .docx and .pdf).
Which tool should I use?
How do I set up and use a FeedbackFruits tool?