Peer Feedback Tools

Peer Feedback Tools

Peer evaluation is commonly used facilitate timely formative feedback from fellow students, often as an in-class activity. Students may provide feedback on work (i.e. the quality of an oral presentation, essay, infographic or response to a case study), however peer evaluation is increasilngly being used to evaluate not just student created work, but individual's performance in a team or group activity or formal group assessment. VU aims to introduce a number of peer feedback/evaluaton tools in 2019/2020.

The first of these tools to be released is Buddycheck. Buddycheck is primarily a tool for student to evaluate each other's performance in a group or team whilst completing a task or formal group assessment. As an Instructor you can customise a set of criteria, and students evaluate themselves and their group members against these criteria in a method similar to filling in a rubric. You will be able to activate Buddycheck in your unit (Delivery Space) from Friday 20 September. Please refer to the guide on setup, and be in touch with our support team if you need assistance. 

A tool called Feedback Fruits - Peer Review is available on request which will facilitate students evaluating each other's work, such as an essay, audio, presentation or video. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you wish to find out more (until guides are available here).  


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Peer Feedback Tools

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