Viewing the Turnitin Similarity Report
Turnitin Feedback Studio is a tool that can be used to improve writing skills. Turnitin compares submitted work to an extensive database including web pages, journals, articles, and other student submissions. Access the Match Report within VU Collaborate, to view highlighted matched text, and source details.
Turnitin's new Similarity Report view
Check out Turnitin's new Similarity Report for clearer insights, faster feedback, and better outcomes.
Can I still use the classic view?
Yes, select the button at the top of the page, to switch between Classic View and Beta View.
Are reports available for students?
No, currently, the reports are only available for staff.
Want to learn more?
- Explore the interactive demo, by Turnitin
- Take the new self-guided tour (2-3 min read)
- Overview of the new Similarity Report experience, by Turnitin
- AI writing detection in the new, enhanced Similarity Report, by Turnitin
On this page:
Accessing Similarity Reports
- In your unit space on the navbar, select Assessments, then Dropbox.
- Dropboxes with Turnitin enabled will show an Originality Check icon (1), select the Dropbox name (2), to view the submissions list.
- Student submissions will be listed with a submission status or similarity score for documents that can generate a report.
- Select the Similarity Score (1) to access the report in Feedback Studio.
File requirements to generate a similarity report:
- File size: Minimum of 20 words, less than 100MB and less than 800 pages.
- File types: Microsoft Word (DOC and DOCX), Corel WordPerfect, HTML, Adobe PostScript, Plain text (TXT), Rich Text Format (RTF), Portable Document Format (PDF), OpenOffice (ODT), Hangul (HWP), PowerPoint (PPT) and, Google Docs via Google Drive.
See File Requirements, by Turnitin.
Submission status
- In-Progress - indicates Turnitin is currently processing the assessment.
The first three submissions should be created within minutes submissions after this will take 24 hours to be created. - Enabled Turnitin after receiving submission?
Select the Submit file iconto generate a report.
Similarity score ranges:
- Blue: No matching text
- Green: One word to 24% matching text
- Yellow: 25-49% matching text
- Orange: 50-74% matching text
- Red: 75-100% matching text
Similarity Score is the percentage of the submission content that matches to source content.
See Similarity score ranges, by Turnitin.
Viewing the Similarity Reports
Enhanced Similarity Report
Note: currently this view is only available for staff.
Take some time to become familiar with the report.
Go to Classic/Beta view (1) to switch between views.
Similarity Report (2)
- Overall Similarity (3) – indicates the percentage of words in the report matched to other sources (journals, websites, articles and other student's work).
- Matched Groups (4) – highlights each match type by a different colour (a) not cited or quoted, (b) missing quotations, (c) missing citation and (d) cited and quoted.
- Sources (5) – highlights each source by a different colour.
- Filter (6) – select to exclude bibliography, quoted text, cited text and small matches.
Flags (7) – highlights (a) hidden text, and (b) replaced characters.
AI Writing (8) –highlights and provides a percentage score of text (a) likely AI-generated text, and (b) likely AI-generated text that was AI-paraphrased.
Source: Enhanced Similarity Report, by Turnitin
Review Overview
Review the overview panel for a quick snapshot of the number of matches and percentage score by match type.
- Not Cited or Quoted – may indicate plagiarism
- exclude common knowledge matches
- review to see if further action is required
- Missing Quotations – cited matches with no quotation mark, review to see if paraphrasing or citation is required
- Academic writing, paraphrasing and more, Learning Hub
- Reference with integrity, Library Guides
- Missing Citation – quoted matches with no citation, review to see if citation is required
- Reference with integrity, Library Guides
- Cited and Quoted - review to see if the correct referencing style has been applied
- Reference with integrity, Library Guides
Review a Match
Click a match to view details in the source card. Information includes match ranking number, source type, match group type, match percentage, number of text blocks, number of matched words, matched text and source URL. Review the match, to determine if further action is required.
Source: Enhanced Similarity Report, by Turnitin
What to learn more?
- Explore the interactive demo, by Turnitin
- Take the new self-guided tour (2-3 min read)
- Overview of the new Similarity Report experience, by Turnitin
- Visit New Similarity Report Resource Center, student and instructor resources by Turnitin
Classic Similarity Report
Feedback Studio displays the similarity report, with highlighted matches. Take some time to become familiar with the interface:
- Navigate between pages, by expanding the thumbnail bar (1), and between submissions (2) via the arrows and dropdown list.
- Access Turnitin help guides (3).
- Explore the toolbar (4) - Layers, Feedback layer (if enabled), Similarity layer, Download & Submission Information, and AI.
- View the word count (5) and resize (6) the submission view.
See Using Feedback Studio, Instructor guide, by Turnitin to discover more.
Support and Resources
Turnitin guides
- The Similarity Report, list of instructor guides, by Turnitin.
Academic Integrity
- Library: Academic Integrity at VU: Home
- Library: Workshops and Drop-In Sessions
- Learning Hubs: Academic & Study Skills
- VU referencing style guides
Policy and Guidelines
- Assessment for Learning Policy
- Academic Integrity Policy
- Academic Integrity Guidelines
- Student Misconduct Procedure