Adding Content

Create interactive and interesting content for your VU Collaborate space.

Adding Activities to a Module

This guide will explain how to add activities created in VU Collaborate to complement the content and facilitate blended learning. Learning activities can be added in content areas such as assessment dropboxes, quizzes, discussions and more. These activities can be added to engage students and complement the content and facilitate a blended learning experience. Make sure to clearly specify how the learning activity is related to the learning materials, what is expected from students and when this activity will occur (online, in-class or both).

To add some activities into a content area, they must first be created. Please refer to other guides to learn the process involved in Creating an Assessment DropboxUsing Discussions, and Creating a Checklist.

Certain limitations may be in place depending on the permissions you have in a particular space. It is advisable to check the Roles and permissions in VU Collaborate guide to ensure the correct access and permissions have been provided.

This guide will show you how to:


Step One: Access the Module

  1. In a space on the navbar, select Content or Learning Space.
  2. Navigate to the module you wish to place your content.


Step Two: Add Activities

  1. Select Add Activities
  2. Select an activity type, in this example Checklist
  3. Select an existing activity item, in this example Checklist: Week 1 Session 1

from add activities select an existing checklist


Step Three: Manage Activity

To modify properties of your activity:

  • From the items menu, select Edit Properties 
  • Title name - click on the title, then edit, updates will save automatically
  • Add restrictions - see Using Release Conditions
  • Add descrition - select add description, edit then click update

  • Visibility (eye icon) - to the right, click on the visibility eye icon, to toggle visibility to students on or off
    toggle visibility between visible and hidden to students
  • Completion (tick icon) - options for students to track progress, select between automatic completion, manual completion or no completion tracking.

  • Delete (bin icon) - This icon will bring up deletion options regarding the activity and title. 

    It's best to select the first radio option as it won't permanently delete the topic from your space. Once selected, press either Delete to delete the activity or Cancel to stop this deletion.

select to edit the checklist properties


To move a learning activity, click on the six dots icon beside the learning activity title then drag it to the desired module location. When you see a blue line appear in the topics list, you are able to drop the learning activity there.

To move a learning activity click on the six dots icon beside the learning activity title then drag it to the desired module location


Further Support

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