Bulk Adding Staff into a unit space
This guide will demonstrate how to add multiple teaching staff in one go, into your unit space. You can enrol other staff members if you are a Block Instructor, Block Convenor (Delivery Space) or Block Key Academic (Master Space) but only in the same type of role or with fewer permissions in that particular space.
To see what each role can do in a given space, see the Help Guide User Roles Explained.
On this page:
- Create an Import File
- Save your file as CSV
- Upload the Import File into Classlist
- Troubleshooting error messages from import files
Step One: Create an Import File
To create an import staff file, you can create it from your Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets application.
Depending on which type of space you would like to add staff, the formats will be different.
The import users function currently supports Text Files (.txt or .csv) only.
Files must be in ASCII format, not Word (.doc) or Rich Text (.rtf)
Option 1: Import File for Master Space
Create two fields and columns that indicate
- Staff ID (number only, no e-prefix) and
- Staff Role.
Option 2: Import file for Delivery Space
Create three fields and columns that indicate
- Staff ID (number only, no e-prefix),
- Unit Section Code: a unique shortcode (characters and numerical) to identify each section. For the example below, the section code is 01234-U-12345.
- Staff Role.
Obtain Section Code for Delivery Space
1. Navigate to the Space Admin tab and select Sections.
2. In the Manage Sections window, you can see a list of unit sections that contain Section Names, Code and Number of Users/Students.
It is recommended to enrol teaching staff into the section name that has the unit code. Or else, their access will be restricted in some areas.
3. Highlight the section code (e.g: 12345-U-AAA5011), then use
- hotkey Ctrl+C, or
- right-click and select Copy.
Step Two: Save your file as CSV
Next, save your file in CSV format. Expand the tile below for some instructions:
Step Three: Upload the import file into Classlist
1. In your space, select Classlist from Space Admin.
2. Select Add Participants drop-down menu,
and click on Import users from a file on your computer.
3. In the Import Users From File page,
- Scroll down to the Import file, and click on the Choose File (1) button.
- Optional - If the Send email (A) function is ticked, it will automatically notify newly added staff via email.
4. When complete, select Import to upload your staff list.
Troubleshooting error messages from import files
When uploading the import (CSV) file, you might encounter some error messages from the system below.
Please find some of the common messages and explanations below to modify your import file if needed.
Error Message | Meaning |
The specified user is already enrolled in this org unit | The staff is already enrolled in the unit shell. |
You do not have permission to enrol this user. | You don't have permission to enrol staff into that specific role (as a block instructor, you cannot enrol a block convenor) |
You do not have permission to create this user | The provided staff ID is incorrect |
The specified section is not valid | The section code is incorrect |
Further Support
Contact us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., for information and resources on technology-enhanced learning, or visit VUCollaborateHelp.vu.edu.au.
Contact ITS Service Desk on (03) 9919 2777 or via self-service servicedesk.vu.edu.au for technical support.