The VU Collaborate Team provides training, guidelines and support for VU staff members in learning systems and technology-enhanced learning.

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Digital Media Support

Video, Web, Innovation Hub

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Training & Support

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There are a few options for including video in your content. 

Video Note is an integrated tool accessible within VU Collaborate which allows staff to quickly and easily record video footage on their desktop. This can be embedded in content in VU Collaborate or attached to feedback on assessment.

Panopto is the video management platform for staff and students at VU to create, share, manage and edit videos of various formats.  You can record your monitor (a screencast), take video or do a webcast of an event in a room that is set up for it.  You can then take any of those videos and share them with others in and outside of VU.  You can also edit them in Panopto first or add some shorter videos together to create one large one.  There are also other tools such as adding a website or quiz into a video to enhance interactivity and student/viewer tools such as discussions and bookmarks.


Video Note

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