Creating Spaces

Part of Space Creation & Admin Category

Master Space and Delivery Space Creation (Higher Education)

All you need to know about Master Spaces and Delivery Space Creation

Master Space names have changed, from (Online) to (4Week Block)
Old name: RBF2620 AUSTRALIAN PLANTS (1) (Online)
New name: RBF2620 AUSTRALIAN PLANTS (1) (4Week Block)
Effective April 17, 2024.

On this page:


Space Creation

What is a Master Space?

The master space is the template for every delivery (teaching) space. This is where all teaching material is developed, including learning space content assessment items and grades.

How is a Delivery (Teaching) Space Created?

When the new delivery space is created it is then automatically populated with all the material from the master space. Once the material is transferred to the delivery space only minor adjustments such as hiding a Dropbox or changing the date on a quiz can be made. For this reason, the master space must be maintained with the most up-to-date material. 

When are Delivery Spaces Created?

Delivery spaces will be available 2 weeks prior to your teaching period, and 5 weeks before for placement units. You will have one week to review the transferred content, add, or edit due dates and hide or unhide assessment items.

When do Students gain access?

At the end of this review period, one week before class starts (4 weeks for placement units), the delivery space will go live for students to explore the unit and become familiar with the material. Students are automatically allocated into delivery spaces based on their enrolment selections within Allocate+ and the Student Management System.


Finding your Master Spaces

To search for a Master Space:

1. Scroll below My Delivery Spaces (1), to the My Master Spaces (2) section.
2. Enter the unit code in the search field (3), then press Enter or select the search icon (4).

search for a master space

Which Master Space do I update?

The most common Master Spaces templates in Higher Education are 4 Week Block, 8 Week Block and Online Self-paced. 
For the full list see Master Space Types.

  • 4 week block units - RBF2620 AUSTRALIAN PLANTS (9) (4Week Block) 
  • 8 week block units - BEO6000 DATA ANALYSIS FOR BUSINESS (1) (8Week Block)
  • Online Self-paced - AECE6012 PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 1 (1) (Online SP)


Staff access

Block Convenor and Block Key Academic

Assigned to every master space is a Block Convenor and Block Key Academic role. Each role can edit the content in the master space. The Block Key Academic role has many of the same access privileges as the Block Convenor and is for staff who hold a key role in the development of the unit but are not the convenor. The Block Convenor role is automatically assigned to the staff listed as the unit convenor in CAMS. See User Roles Explained for more information.

Enrolling Staff

The Block Convenor can enrol you into space as a Block Key Academic or Block Instructor. See Enrolling staff into spaces for instructions showing how.

If they are unable to enrol you into the space you can contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your unit code, e-number and role required. 


Which space am I in?

Sometimes it is easy to get confused to know if you are in the master or delivery space.

  • Master Space - (1) titles are all in UPPERCASE and there is (2) no image banner on the unit home page. 
  • Delivery spaces - (3) titles are in lower case and have an (4) image banner.

difference between master and delivery



Master Space Types

In Higher Education the main Master Space templates used are (4Week Block) and (8Week Block), for the full list see the tables below.



2024 Master Space variations
ExampleDelivery ModeMaster Space
RBF2620 AUSTRALIAN PLANTS (1)   Standard Semester (Onshore)
RBF2620 AUSTRALIAN PLANTS (1) (8Week Block) 8-week Block 8-Weeks Block Master
ARCHIVE RBF2620 AUSTRALIAN PLANTS (1) (Block) No longer used No longer used
RBF2620 AUSTRALIAN PLANTS (1) (Online SP) 4-week block Online Self-paced Online Self-paced (OSP)
RBF2620 AUSTRALIAN PLANTS (1) (4Week Block) ** 4-week block On-campus
4-week block Online Real-time
Online Master Space
RBF2620 AUSTRALIAN PLANTS (1) (VU Online) VU Online College VU Online (VO)

  ** Online has changed to 4Week Block, effective April 17 2024.



2024 Offshore Master Space variations
ExampleOffshore Delivery ModeMaster Space
BAO3306 AUDITING (35) (Offshore) Offshore units Offshore (OFS)
BAO3306 AUDITING (35) (Offshore Block) Offshore block units Block to Semester (B2S)
BAO2001 CORPORATE FINANCE (1) (NSBM B2S) NSBM units delivered in Sri Lanka NSBM Block to Sememster (NSBM B2S)




Further Support

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Contact ITS Service Desk on (03) 9919 2777 or via self-service for technical support.

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