Assessment Dropbox

Consolidating all aspects of assessment and submission online.

Marking Group Assessments

This guide will explain how you can mark group assessments that have been submitted as a group, or individually.

There are two ways submissions can be received in a dropbox. One is individual submissions, where generally one student submits. When grading, all students need to be located and individually given grades and feedback. The other way is to create a dropbox with group submissions, associated with a group category. In this setup, any student can submit. When grading the submission is graded once, and all students get the grades and feedback.

On this page:


Option 1: Grading Group Work in a Group Submission Dropbox

1. In your VU Collaborate space on the navigation bar, click Assessments then Dropbox

2. Note the group icon indicating group submission, then select the Assessment Dropbox Title, to access the submission.

image 1

3. In place of the student name, you will find the group name, with the list of submissions and who has submitted the document. Select the group name or Evaluate Submission to open the evaluation window.

image 2

4. To see a list of all the group members, from the group name, select See All Group Members.

Marking group assessment 2

You will then receive a list of the group members. Select Close to leave the list.

image 4

6.  In the Evaluate Submission window, you can apply the same method of grading individual dropbox for group dropbox.

If you need further information about evaluating work, please see the following guide: Marking Assignments in the Dropbox

7.  Once the assessment has been graded and published, the grade will be transferred to all group members.


Option 2: Grading Group Work from an Individual Dropbox

This option is for an individual style group dropbox. In this dropbox style, any member can submit to the dropbox, and the graded work is only applied automatically to the student who submitted the work. You must manually enter the grades for the other students in that group.

1.  Navigate to your assignments by clicking Assessments (1) and then Dropbox (2) from the navigation bar.

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2.  From the list of dropboxes, select the dropdown arrow of the assessment you wish to grade and then select View Submissions. Or, click on the title of the assignment.

image 5

1.1  Refine the list to your workgroup

1.  To filter the submission views into groups view, select the dropdown option from View By, change your view from Users to Groups and select Apply.

2.  Then, select the listed default group to open a list of all groups and select the workgroup, lab group, or assessment group. Then select Apply.

3. This will show only the users specific to that workgroup. 

filter by group select view by group

filter by group select a group

1.3  Entering scores and feedback

1.  Select Evaluate Submission for the first student.

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2.  In the evaluation window, you can do the following:

  • View all submission files and attempts from a student.
  • View and manually mark their assessment using the attached rubric.
  • Manually enter the grade score if you have graded it locally on your computer.
  • Enter and provide any feedback for the student in texts, audio and video formats.

Marking group assessment 9



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