
Create grade items, publish grades to students and manage your feedback.

Exporting and Importing Gradebook Data

The information in this guide is intended for Block Convenors and Block Instructors.

Gradebook data can be exported to your computer to modify offline or keep for auditing purposes. Export student grades to an Excel spreadsheet to allow you to add and modify grades offline. You then have the ability to import the spreadsheet back into the Gradebook for your VU Collaborate Space, making the management of large classes as simple as possible.

On this page:


Accessing your Gradebook

1. Select Grades from the Assessments tab.

ex access gradebook


Exporting Student Grades to Excel (CSV Format)

Export student grades to an Excel spreadsheet to allow you to add and modify grades offline. 

1. Select the Enter Grades tab on the top left.
2. Then click on the Export button.

ex go to enter grades then export

Select Display Options

  • Select All users (1) if you want to export the grades of all the students in the class or follow steps 2.1 to filter data to specific groups. 
  • In the Key Field (2), you can select either Org Defined ID or Username as they both would provide student IDs.
  • In Sort By (3), select export in chosen order. i.e. (Name, Last name, Username)
    Default orders are Org Defined ID, Last Name, and First Name.

ex select display options



Export Grade Values

3. Select the Grade Values you would like to export,
including Points, Weighted grades, or Grade Schemes.

If you want to modify the spreadsheet data and import it back into VU Collaborate later, only the Points grade column will be required.

4. Select the User Details that you would like to export.
Recommended to select Last Name and First Name, or else, only student ID numbers will be included.

ex select grade values

5. Tick the checkbox next to each grade item that you wish to export.

ex select a grade item

6. Once done, select Export to CSV to export your data.

It's recommended to Export as CSV files to work in the Excel application and import the spreadsheet back into VU Collaborate.

ex select export to csv button 

7. A pop-up window will appear.
Select the Download button to save the file on your device.

ex select download

8. Once open, it will display student details and any values for each Grade item.

ex example of grades export


Exporting Classlist and Group Enrolments

The Gradebook export function also allows you to download other details such as Classlist, Student email addresses, and Group enrolments.

1. To download these details, access Export function from Gradebook.

ex go to enter grades then export

2. Scroll down to User Details.
3. Then, select 

  • (A) Email: to download classlist and student email addresses
  • (B) Group Membership: to download all group enrolments.

ex export email and group enrolment


Importing Student Grades to Unit Gradebook

You can use the CSV file to manually adjust and enter student results for each grade column. Then, later import them into the VU Collaborate space.

Note: Only Numeric, Pass/Fail, Selectbox, and Text grade items, and the Final Adjusted Grade can be imported.

1. From your gradebook, select the Enter Grades tab on the top left.
2. Then click on the Import button.

im go to enter grades then import

3. Click on the Choose File button to locate a CSV file from your device.
4. Once uploaded, select Continue to further process.

im select file to import


Check and Fix Import Errors

(1) Errors and Warnings appear when the file format or data values are incorrect.

  • In the example below, two students have grade values exceeding the max point of 100, which causes errors.

(2)  Select Go Back. Then correct the values and re-upload your CSV file.

(3). Once errors and warnings have been resolved, select Continue.

im error and warning examples

Tip: If you encounter errors and are unable to resolve them, try re-exporting the spreadsheet and entering the data again. 

Preview Import Grade Data

Preview the import data such as student details and grade values and modify any changes if needed.

For example

  • “ - / 40 -> 30 / 40” grade for this student has been entered from ‘nil / 40’ to ‘30 / 40’.
  • "9 / 20 -> 10 / 20" grade value changes from 9 to 10 points.

Once done, select Import (3).

im preview import data



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