Templates & Copying Content

Share templates and copy content across Spaces.

Copying content between spaces

Block Convenors and Block Key Academics can copy content, such as dropbox folders, discussion forums, news items, interactive activities, and more between spaces.

Before following this guide, please ensure that you have Block Convenor or Block Key Academic access in both spaces you are copying from and to. If you want to know more about roles, check the User Roles Explained Guide. 

Here is a short video on How to Copy Components Between Spaces:

On this page:


Step One: Navigate to Import/Export/Copy Components

1. Navigate to a unit space that you would like to copy into and select Space Admin.

2. Select Import / Export / Copy Components.

go to space admin import export copy components


Step Two: Select a Space to Copy From

1. Select the space to copy from the options below:

Copy Components from another Space

  • (1) Search for Delivery Space: to search for past or current delivery space i.e. ABC1001 2022.
    • can also be used to search for sandpit, communication, collaboration and support space.

  • (2) Search for Master Space (option available in Master space only):
    to search for a master space i.e. DFE1002 Introduction to...(Online).

search for delivery or master space options

Master Space of Current Delivery Space

Select this option to copy contents from the master space that is associated with your current delivery space.

For example, unit EEC1001 is linked with EEC1001 (Online) master space. If this option is selected, you will re-copy the contents from the EEC1001 (Online) master space.

sc copy from master space template

2. A Select Space pop-up will appear.

  • Type the unit code and delivery year (1) in the search bar that you would like to copy from, and click on Search (2).
  • From the list, select the radio button (3) next to the space.
  • Once done, select Add Selected (4).

search and select a unit code

3. Review the name and delivery mode/master space code to ensure you selected the correct space.

check for the code

4. Once done, you can select the copy type:

  • Copy All Components (1): to copy everything from the space.
  • Select Components (2): to select individual contents or activities to copy over.

Important Note - copying all components can lead to unwanted duplications in your space and create confusion for your students.
To ensure only desired contents and activities are copied across, we strongly recommend staff use Select Components.

copy all or select components option 


Step Three: Select Course Materials and Items

Copy Select Components and Items

1. If you Select Components option, a course material list will appear.
Browse through the list and select the materials or items to copy.

Important Note - For any external or embedded activities such as H5P, Reading list, Feedback Fruits or Panopto video, you must select the External Learning Tool Links option when copying session materials into another space.

Failure to follow these steps will result in broken links and activities throughout your unit.

2. In this example, I will copy individual content materials (1) and external learning tools (2).

3. Click Continue.

select some course materials example

4. Tick on required session material (1) to copy over. For example, we tick on Week 1 to copy all Week 1 materials.
You can also use Expand All (A) and Ctrl + F to search for a specific material.

5. Click Continue (2).

select modules topics to copy

6. This process will also be the same with External Learning Tool links and other assessment items.
Tick all, or only select required items (1).

7. Once done, select Continue (2).

select some external learning tools


Step Four: Confirm Items to Copy

1. In the Confirm Components to Copy window, check if all selected items are correct. If not, click Go Back, to modify the selection.

2. Select Finish to start the copying process.

check items to copy


Step Five: Review Copy Summary and History

1. While the copying process is underway, there will appear as a striped bar on the right.

copy in progress

2. Once complete, you will see a message 'Copy Completed: {date & time}' which indicates the copy is successful without any errors.

If you receive any errors, click on the log to view more details.

copy completed message


Next Step

3. You can now return to the Learning Space area to view the copied items, which normally appear at the bottom.

4. Impersonate a Test Student and go through your materials to ensure everything is correct with no broken links or activities.

copied items appear at the bottom

Optional - Remove duplicated items

To remove any duplicated items due to the copy, find delete options under the dropdown for module/session pages, or through the more options for assessment items.

For example, navigate to the module that you want to remove.
Then, select Delete Module from the dropdown.

delete module


Admin Only