Adding Content

Create interactive and interesting content for your VU Collaborate space.

About Content

The VU Collaborate Content tool is used to view, add, edit and organise course materials such as readings, presentations, audio and video recordings. Using the Content tool you can:

  • Add content from existing sources such as documents as weblinks
  • Link course activities such as discussions, quizzes, assessment dropboxes and H5P
  • Release content selectively and track which modules have been completed. 

It is vital to note that only copyright-free materials such as creative commons licensed materials, OER or VU owned materials are uploaded. Check copyright terms and conditions before uploading anything, especially PDF files retrieved from VU licensed databases as there is an increased risk of copyright infringements occurring. For further support and information on your copyright responsibilities read through the Copyright for teaching at VU or Copyright on VU Collaborate Help Guide.

Finding Content

Content is accessed in the Learning Space section of the homepage.

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Content Features

 The features available in the Learning Space are numbered and listed below.

1 content features explains

1. Search Topics - Find a topic within the space by typing a keyword here then pressing Enter.

2. Unit Overview – It is recommended NOT to add information in this area as there is no associated analytics. This will not be confusing for students as they won't see the link if it is left empty. The Unit Guide is now accessible via a widget on the front page of the unit, on the right side of the news item(s). 

3. Bookmarks – Lists the topics you’ve bookmarked in this space.

4. Course Schedule – here you can list unit material, assignment due dates and other unit events (e.g. Quizzes, before/after class activities).

5. Table of Contents – Displays the titles of all Modules and Sub-Modules.

6. Module – Displays the materials and outline for each Session within the selected Module. Sub-Modules are in an indented list below the module.

7. Add a module – Provides the option to add a new Module to the Learning Space by typing in the title and pressing Enter.


More Content Features within a Module

Below is the content within a Module. For further information on how to add content or activities to a Module read these guides on Adding Content to a Module and Adding Activities to a Module.

 2 content features within a module

No.  NameMeaning 
 1  Module name  
 2  Edit options  allows change of Module name and other options regarding the Module.
 3  Print  provides the option to print whatever is on the screen. 
 4  Settings  Completion tracking can be changed here, otherwise, in most situations, the other settings should not be changed.
 5  Add Restrictions  allows for timed or custom restrictions to be placed on the module. 
 6  Status  This sets the module as either Hidden or Visible to students. 
 7  Description  Used to display a brief summary of what the module is about.
 8  New  Use this function to create new content or learning activities.
 9  Add Activities  Add links to Modules you have already created or provide access to external learning tools.
10  Bulk Edit  Provides the ability to edit multiple aspects of each Module at once (more details later in this guide).
11  Expand All   Will expand all submodules on the screen.
12  Collapse All  Will collapse all submodules from view.
13  Eight Dots  Allow movement of modules (reorder).
14  Sub module name  
15  Collapse/Expand  to collapse or expand the individual submodule from view. 
16  Drag and Drop  where files can be uploaded and inserted into the particular submodule.
17  Document options  
  • Alternative formats: allows students to download learning materials in formats that work for their different devices and learning needs.
  • Accessibility score: score out of 100% will appear beside any uploaded content.
  • Completion tracking (ticks) – Can be made to be tracked automatically (recorded upon the first visit by student), manually (students must tick the tickbox) or not at all.
18  Content   Everything included in the selected Module will be here.
19  Add a sub-module  Enter text and press Enter to create a sub-module. 



The New Menu

Use the New menu to create new content or learning activities. 

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Upload Files  Use this function to upload files (e.g. PDF and Word documents)
Video or Audio  Upload Video or Audio files here.
New Document  This opens the HTML editor for you to add text, videos, pictures, links and tables. Additionally, you can insert H5P learning objects and Panopto videos here.
New Link  Insert a website link using a URL to enable students to view weblink sources.
Add Course Files  Use this function to insert files which have been uploaded in the VU Collaborate space.
New Checklist  Create and insert a new checklist into the module.
New Discussions  Create and insert a new discussion topic into the module.
New Assessment Dropbox  Create and insert a new Assessment Dropbox into the module.
New Quiz  Create and insert a new Quiz into the module.
New Survey  Create and insert a new Survey into the module. 


The Add Activities Menu

Use the Add Activities menu to add links in a module to learning activities that you have already created or link an External Learning Tool.

You can use this menu to add existing Assessment Dropboxes, Checklists, Discussions, ePortfolio items, Quizzes, Surveys, Virtual Classrooms or upload a document from One Drive

Additionally, you can use the Add Activities menu to link external learning tools including:

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Bulk Edit

 Use Bulk Edit to edit all topics within the module at the same time.

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Using Bulk Edit, the editable features include:

1. Topic title - Click on the Topic title to rename it.

2. Add restrictions - Click on Add restrictions to attach release conditions.

3. Add a description - Click on Add a description to add instructions or a short description of the topic.

4. Visible/Hidden status - Click on this eye icon to toggle between the visible and hidden status.

5. Completion tracking - This completion method can be used to track students progress of completion of a topic or tied to tools such as restrictions and intelligent agents.

6. Delete - Click on this icon to delete the topic.

3 bulk edit options


Further Support

Contact us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., for information and resources on technology-enhanced learning, or visit
Contact ITS Service Desk on (03) 9919 2777 or via self-service for technical support.

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