H5P Interactives

Creat fun and simple online interactive learning activities

Creating an H5P Word Cloud & Emoji Cloud activity

For instructions on how to find and create H5P Learning Objects in your space, please see Introduction to H5P

On this page:


Option One: Creating the Word Cloud activity

A Word Cloud is a collection, or cluster of words depicted in different sizes that indicate its frequency or importance. When a word is mentioned more frequently within a given set of text data, the bigger or bolder the word will appear in a Word Cloud. The Word Cloud H5P tool can be used to conduct a poll in which users can either select or type in a response.

See our example here: WordCloud Word Cloud

wordcloud example


To access H5P either from VU Collaborate space or the H5P dashboard, refer to: Introduction to H5P

1. Once you access to H5P dashboard, follow the steps below to create Word Cloud activity.

2. In the H5P tool, click Add Content.

Screenshot of the add content button

3. Type in "Word Cloud" in the search bar for Content Type (a) and the Word Cloud tool should appear in the dropdown menu (b).

wordcloud select content

4. Enter a Title in the title field and type in your Question for this poll. For this example, we will be asking users for their feedback on working from home.

wordcloud title questions

5. There are two response modes to choose from:

*click on each title to open more details


6 (Optional). You can then limit the maximum amount of responses you receive or the student can choose from. You can also select a music track to include when presenting the tool. Select from the dropdown arrow for available tracks.

2020 05 18 1336

7 (Optional). The theme selector allows you to change the colour scheme for this activity.  By default, it is set as yellow, but if you would like to get creative with it, clicking on the dropdown will show you a list of colour schemes available.

2020 05 18 1337 Screen Shot 2020 05 18 at 1.37.02 PM

8. Once completed, select Save to apply the changes.

4.3 save button

Next steps:

To insert the H5P WordCloud into the VU Collaborate unit space, refer to
 Inserting an H5P in VU Collaborate.

To know more about Sharing and Collaborators, please see H5P Sharing and Collaboration.




Option Two: Creating the Emoticon Cloud activity

The Emoticon Cloud H5P tool can be used to conduct a poll where users select an emoticon as a response.

See our example here: emoji cloud icon Emoji Cloud

emoji cloud example

To access H5P either from VU Collaborate space or the H5P dashboard, refer to: Introduction to H5P

1. Once you access to H5P dashboard, follow the steps below to create Word Cloud activity.

2. In the H5P tool, click Add Content.

Screenshot of the add content button

3. Type in "Emoji Cloud" in the search bar for Content Type (a) and the emoji cloud should appear in the dropdown menu (b).

emojicloud select content

4. Enter a Title in the title field and type in your Question for this poll. For this example, we will be asking users for their feedback on working from home.

wordcloud title questions

5. Select a set of emojis (up to 6) as options to answer the poll question.

When you hover over an emoticon, you will be able to see what emotion it represents. The order in which you select the emoticons is the order in which they will appear from left to right.

emojicloud select emojis  

6 (Optional). You can also select a music track to include when presenting the tool. Select from the dropdown arrow for available tracks.

2020 05 13 1413 

7 (Optional). The theme selector allows you to change the colour scheme for this activity. By default, it is set as yellow, but if you would like to get creative with it, clicking on the dropdown will show you a list of colour schemes available.

2020 05 13 1414         Screen Shot 2020 05 13 at 2.14.22 PM

8. Once completed, select Save to apply the changes.

4.3 save button

Next steps:

To insert the H5P WordCloud into the VU Collaborate unit space, refer to
 Inserting an H5P in VU Collaborate.

To know more about Sharing and Collaborators, please see H5P Sharing and Collaboration.



Preview and practice presenting your H5P activity

Enter preview to view the presenter and student view side-by-side. In this view, you can review your creation and practice presenting your WordCloud or Emoji Cloud.

All answers/selections completed in this preview mode won't save once you exist the preview or count towards overall completion data.

1. To get started click side-by-side preview.

side by side preview button

2. You can find the Student Preview on your right-hand side which demonstrates how the students will see your H5P activity.

3. Select Close preview to exit the preview function.

close preview button

wordcloud preview as students


Further Support

Contact us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., for information and resources on technology-enhanced learning, or visit VUCollaborateHelp.vu.edu.au.
Contact ITS Service Desk on (03) 9919 2777 or via self-service servicedesk.vu.edu.au for technical support.


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